
Lately, I have limited the reporting about my daily life and feelings that go through and by me. But I miss the time when I am sharing those things with you.
Whoever you are, whatever you believe , wherever you are and whatever interests you. I get a lot of energy I from my loyal fans and from the people who feel with me. I do not feel good if I have to isolate myself to find my peace , but sometimes it is necessary.
Anyway, for me, this was rankingwise one of the worst weekends in recent years. Yes, quite shocking all together, but nevertheless is not as black as it seems . I believe that this has been one of the short tunnels on my way and the light will soon be strong again.
I see a lot of positive things even in mediocre results , patience and time are my allies and so I fear nothing . It is easy when everything goes smoothly and you have a free head. Everything went wrong in Beaver Creek everything, but I probably do not need to mention it. :)
It is a real winter in Lake Louis and low temperatures . It will not be the first downhill this time, I have several days of training already in my feet. All this fills me with positive energy, because I really like the track, but I never found the right feelings for fast scrolling.
I hope it will be different this time.
Follow @TinaMaze