
Leaving Portillo was difficult. We were warned before our arrival, that there is very little snow, but nevertheless, we believed, that we can at least complete a partial program. Therefore, we were optimistically inclined.
But when it doesn`t work out, it simply doesn`t. It was hard to watch the people wondering why we're leaving immediately after the first day. Such changes much easier with a small team of, than with a big one, so we found opportunities for training in Chillan.
Sport friends from the Austrian team even had to leave the South America. But this is our sport. Skiing means adaptating to nature. On one hand, this is a wonderful feeling, on the other it creates a lot of unpredictable things. The magic of it all is probably just that ...
We moved in Chillan, where nature was much more generous with snow. And you could say, if there is, there is everything! Thank you to Chillan ski resort and German female team, who have accepted us on their ground.
To my dear friends in Portillu I only wish to say that even though we left, our friendship remains!
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