
It was memorable, full of energy, expectations, enthusiasm! Austria has again shown itself as No. 1 nation in skiing! Roaring in the finish area, proper cheering and a lot of respect for the best skiers! The real ski holiday! Therefore, it was nice to be part of this event and to show what is your best!
Assessment of the World Cup is - sit down, B! I did not do everything, I did not always perform at my best! However, gold and two silver medals are remarkable and historic achievement! I was a bit more slack in downhill and super combined. I consider everything else as a good fight!
Fatigue was already quite present, so thank you to all fans, sponsors, journalists and ultimately my family, who understand that at such a crazy pace, I need more time for myself to be able to prepare well for the races!
The rest came in handy! Replacing the white color of snow for the the green grass and blue sea was balm for the soul! Since I was gathering a lot of energy, power and speed on the beach, I brought all three "LADIES" with me as a sign of gratitude.
There is still the final part of the season! I will prepare for it with all my knowledge! I want to finish the season in top style! Adrenaline will probably not start receding until May, and I will start crying out of happiness somewhere where nobody can see me! Until then upright on!
Greetings to all!
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