
For those who will be listening to Slovenian anthem in Lenzerheide at the raising of the large crystal globe! I really like the text, so I added translations to know what it is saying!
France Prešeren: Zdravljica (Slovene)
Žive naj vsi narodi
ki hrepene dočakat' dan,
da koder sonce hodi,
prepir iz sveta bo pregnan,
da rojak
prost bo vsak,
ne vrag, le sosed bo mejak!
National Anthem
France Prešeren: A Toast (English)
God's blessing on all nations,
Who long and work for that bright day,
When o'er earth's habitations
No war, no strife shall hold its sway;
Who long to see
That all men free
No more shall foes, but neighbours be.
Translated by Janko Lavrin
National Hymne
France Prešeren: Das Trinklied (German)
Es leben alle Völker,
die sehnend warten auf den Tag,
daß unter dieser Sonne
die Welt dem alten Streit entsag!
Frei sei dann
nicht Feind, nur Nachbar mehr fortan!
Übersetzung Klaus Detlef Olof
L'inno nazionale
France Prešeren: Il Brindisi (Italian)
Evviva tutti i popoli
Che il giorno anelano veder,
Che ovunque splende il sole,
All'odio e liti ponga fin;
Che in liberta
Ognun vivra
E amico con il suo vicin!
Traduzione di Francesco Husu
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